
What is americorps?

AmeriCorps State & National members engage in a diverse range of service project at local, regional, and national organizations to address critical community needs of disaster services, economic opportunity, education, healthy futures, environmental stewardship and veterans and military families.

Volunteer mobilization project

Each year as an AmeriCorps member I have the opportunity to get 5 people together who aren't AmeriCorps members and serve 1 hour together in the community. For my project I had my husband and co-workers assist me in putting together dental hygiene kits for kids. In these kits I included donated toothpaste, toothbrushes, and floss. We were able to assemble almost 400 kits which we then went to a school a family member works at and handed them out to the kids there.

Great experience reflections

Every month I wrote a reflection about a great experience during my service in clinic.

January Great Experience

February Great Experience

March Great Experience

April Great Experience