I'm not exactly the best at writing, but when putting this final paper together it actually wasn't as bad as I thought. When we were assigned this final paper I about fell out of my chair! How was I supposed to write 3 pages, single spaced, and about myself? I hate talking about myself! Our professor gave us a simple requirements page to follow which helped a lot. It had the expectations and how to do every step. We set up an outline and that helped me the most. It provided a way to follow along and make the paper long enough. With the outline I was able to piece it all together and meet the expectations. I even found myself writing more than we needed! I took it down though so it matched the requirements. Below is what my creative mind came up with, enjoy!

My Reflection
EDU final paper.docx
Microsoft Word Document 160.6 KB

What to expect when taking this class

One of the first assignments we did that I really enjoyed was the Strengths Finder test. It's a test with lots of questions and when you finish you figure out your top 5 strengths. This helped me realize where my strengths are and also where to work on some of them. We learned multiple note taking strategies. My favorite one was making a mind map. It's a simple visual way of doing notes. It helped me realize that all this time my notes haven't been as useful because i've been taking them in less effective ways! We also learned about critical thinking. We often tend to only think or solve problems in one way. It's difficult to step back and try to have a new perspective on solving problems. The activities we did helped me realize that I need to try to figure out solutions in different ways.  Juli also had us have an advisor assist us with an academic outline which will guide us though school while at Salt Lake Community College. This is very essential because if I didn't do it then I wouldn't have been prepared for the upcoming semesters. It helped me know immediately what classes I will be taking for the remaining of my time at SLCC.